Supplemental Education Services (SES)

Supplemental Education Services are provided to all Title I students who attend schools that have School in Need of Improvement (SINI) or Corrective Action (CA) status. These students are eligible based on free and reduced lunch information who are academically in need of supplemental services. SES information is typically mailed out to all parents/guardians. This information includes a description letter of SES, SES Provider list (which may be modified from the State Ed list due to site restrictions and availability), and Registration Form.

According to the regulations governing SES, parents are now required to contact providers directly and notify the District of their choice. The District then contacts the provider to set up a contract for the services. For the 2011-12 school year, the SES Provider List includes 71 providers. (Please see 2011-12 Approved SES Providers)

Supplemental Educational Services - Letter to Parent/Guardian

Supplemental Educational Services Request Form