Budget Documents for Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024
"Traditional Budget Approach" | |
Section 1: | A. Overview (5/2/2023) C. Budget Detail (5/2/2023) |
Section 2: | Tax Exemption Impact Report (NYS Real Property Assessor's Report - Prior Year File) RP495- Instructions for Application for Local Government Exemption Impact Report A. S495 Exemption Impact Report District Summary (Percent of Value Exempted) B. S495 Exemption Impact Report District Detail (Individual Municipalities) |
Section 3: | NYS School Report Card (All Reports) A. Student Data (NYSED) English Language Learners Data B. School Data (NYSED) |
Section 4: |
"Cost Center Approach" | |
Section 1: | A. Enrollment Projections (4/17/2023) B. Monthly Enrollment & Enrollment Detail (3/11/2024) |
Section 2: | Projected Class Size Averages (4/17/2023) |
Section 3: | A. Special Education (3/22/2023) |
Section 4: | Payroll & Benefits (3/22/2023) |
Section 5: | Stipend Summary (3/22/2023) |
Section 6: | A. Transportation (3/22/2023) B. Vehicle Purchases (3/8/2023) |
Section 7: | A. Buildings & Grounds (3/8/2023) |
Section 8: | Technology (3/8/2023) |
Section 9: | BOCES COSERS (Projected Services Request) (3/22/2023) |
Section 10: | Athletics (3/8/2023) |
Section 11: | Revenues Projected (In addition to Tax Levy) A. State Aid (Detail) (5/2/2023) B. Projected Revenues (5/15/2023) |
Section 12: | Final Proposed Tax Levy – based upon Board of Education Projected Budget (5/2/2023) |
Section 13: | Tax Levy Changes - Historical Patterns (5/15/2023) |
Section 14: | Contingency Budget & Impact on Voters (5/15/2023) |
Other Budget Information |
2. Tax Levy Limit & Budget Overview (2/15/2023) |
3. Budget Update and Tax Levy Options (4/5/2023) |
4. Budget Adoption and Tax Levy Options (4/19/2023) |
5. Property Tax Report Card [SED required] (4/21/2023) |
6. Public Hearing on Budget (5/3/2023) |
7. Budget Notice (4/25/2023) |
9. Budget Vote Results (5/16/2023) |
Proposed Propositions |
1. 2023-2024 BUDGET Shall the Board of Education of the Taconic Hills Central School District be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the budget, for the 2023-2024 school year, in the amount of $38,392,035 and to levy the necessary tax therefor? 2. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBER SEATS To elect three (3) members of the Board of Education two (2) for five-year terms commencing on July 1, 2023 and expiring on June 30, 2028 to succeed Board Members, Theresa Sullivan, and Diane Burfeind, and one (1) three-year term to fill the unexpired term of William Arp who resigned on November 1, 2022, which seat is currently filled by Board Member, Ronald Morales, commencing on July 1, 2023 and expiring on June 30, 2026. The candidates that are running to fill the three (3) vacant seats are Richard Viebrock and Ronald Morales. 3. PURCHASE OF SCHOOL VEHICLES AND BUSES Shall the Board of Education be authorized to (a) acquire two (2) school vehicles for student transportation, one (1) pick up truck with plow and sander, and one (1) diesel bus at a maximum aggregate cost of $251,000; expend such sums for such purpose from unallocated fund balance; and (c) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education taking into account state aid received? 4. PURCHASE OF ZERO EMISSION BUSES Shall the Board of Education be authorized to (a) acquire ten (10) Zero Emissions Buses for student transportation at an aggregate cost of $4,079,051; and (b) expend from either the General Fund or the Capital Reserve Fund the amount of $4,079,051 for such purpose, subject to reimbursement by the EPA 2022 Clean School Bus Rebate program in the amount of $3,750,000, resulting in a total local cost of $329,051? 5. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ZERO EMISSIONS BUS FLEET If Proposition #4 is approved by the voters, shall the Board of Education (a) be authorized to construct improvements to the District Bus Garage building, including site work and other incidental improvements for electric bus charging and accommodations related to electric bus charging, including, but not be limited to, a new electrical transformer, electrical switchgear, panelboards, charging pedestals, transfer switch, wiring, underground trenching, concrete and asphalt pavement; and (b) expend from the Capital Reserve Fund the amount of $900,000 for such purpose, subject to reimbursement by the EPA 2022 Clean School Bus Rebate program in the amount of $200,000, resulting in a total local cost of $700,000? 6. AMENDMENT OF CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Shall the Board of Education of the Taconic Hills Central School District be authorized to (1) amend the Capital Reserve Fund, previously approved by the voters on May 19, 2015, as amended by the voters on May 16, 2017, for the purposes previously approved; (2) fund said reserve to the ultimate amount of $10,000,000, including rolling over the current balance of $5,000,000; (3) annually deposit into the Capital Reserve Fund such portion of the General Fund, unallocated fund balance, state aid and rebates, as determined by the Board of Education and (4) extend the probable duration of the Capital Reserve Fund to June 30, 2030? |