Welcome to the THES Library

The THES Library/Media Center serves almost 600 students and the school’s faculty members. All students are able to enjoy the library, borrow books, and learn about the use of library facilities. The library’s open, flexible schedule allows students and staff access for a variety of purposes beyond book selection. The school librarian, Ms. Flores, collaborates with teachers to support research and curriculum goals.

The Library Media Center is an integral part of the educational program, enriching and supporting the school curriculum by providing students and teachers with a wide range of materials and services, including eBooks and online databases. Our library program fosters a positive environment where children feel comfortable using library resources and where a love of reading is promoted. Students also learn research skills necessary to complete projects which support classroom goals.

Research Skills

Library Resources

Brain POP


Lexia Core 5 Reading





Google Classroom

The New York Times


ProQuest CultureGrams

World Book Online

StoryLine Online

Photo Gallery

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